Cost–effectiveness of community-based practitioner programmes in Ethiopia, Indonesia and Kenya

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Study Justification:
– The objective of the study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of community-based practitioner programs in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kenya.
– The study aimed to provide evidence on the effectiveness and value for money of these programs.
– The findings of the study would help inform policy decisions regarding the implementation and scale-up of community-based practitioner programs.
Study Highlights:
– The study estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for the community-based practitioner programs in the selected districts of Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kenya.
– The estimated incremental cost per life year gained was $82 in Kenya, $999 in Ethiopia, and $3396 in Indonesia.
– The results of the study showed that each program was cost-effective, with greater than 80% certainty based on probabilistic sensitivity analysis.
– Community-based approaches were found to be likely cost-effective for delivering essential health interventions, particularly in rural poor communities with limited access to qualified health professionals.
Study Recommendations:
– The study recommended the continued implementation and scale-up of community-based practitioner programs in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kenya.
– Further research was suggested to understand the critical program design features that contribute to effectiveness.
Key Role Players:
– Government agencies responsible for health policy and program implementation
– Community-based practitioners
– Health system administrators and managers
– Researchers and academics in the field of public health
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Start-up costs for program implementation
– Recurrent costs for ongoing program operations
– Costs of training and capacity building for community-based practitioners
– Costs of medicines and vaccines attributed to changes in coverage of health interventions
– Overhead costs for administrative support
– Costs of monitoring and evaluation activities
– Costs of research and data collection for program evaluation and improvement

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, as it provides detailed information on the methods used, the data collected, and the results obtained. However, there are a few actionable steps to improve it. Firstly, the abstract could include a clearer statement of the objective of the study. Secondly, it could provide more information on the sample size and characteristics of the study population. Lastly, it could mention any limitations or potential biases in the study design or data collection process.

Objective To assess the cost–effectiveness of community-based practitioner programmes in Ethiopia, Indonesia and Kenya. Methods Incremental cost–effectiveness ratios for the three programmes were estimated from a government perspective. Cost data were collected for 2012. Life years gained were estimated based on coverage of reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health services. For Ethiopia and Kenya, estimates of coverage before and after the implementation of the programme were obtained from empirical studies. For Indonesia, coverage of health service interventions was estimated from routine data. We used the Lives Saved Tool to estimate the number of lives saved from changes in reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health-service coverage. Gross domestic product per capita was used as the reference willingness-to-pay threshold value. Findings The estimated incremental cost per life year gained was 82 international dollars ($)in Kenya, $999 in Ethiopia and $3396 in Indonesia. The results were most sensitive to uncertainty in the estimates of life-years gained. Based on the results of probabilistic sensitivity analysis, there was greater than 80% certainty that each programme was cost-effective. Conclusion Community-based approaches are likely to be cost-effective for delivery of some essential health interventions where community-based practitioners operate within an integrated team supported by the health system. Community-based practitioners may be most appropriate in rural poor communities that have limited access to more qualified health professionals. Further research is required to understand which programmatic design features are critical to effectiveness.

We estimated incremental cost–effectiveness ratios for community-based practitioner programmes, using data from four districts: Shebedino (Ethiopia), south-west Sumba (Indonesia), Takala (Indonesia) and Kasarani (Kenya). In Indonesia, two districts were chosen to better reflect the diversity of context and programme implementation in that country. The main inclusion criteria for country selection were that programmes should be national in scale, performing similar activities and with data available on effectiveness. We assessed the cost–effectiveness of each programme from a government perspective. Costs and lives saved were estimated over a one-year time period. We assumed that all costs and benefits were additional to those that would have occurred in the absence of the new programme (Table 2). Disability-adjusted life years and quality-adjusted life years have been widely used as measures of the effectiveness of health programmes. However, the disability and utility weights required to quantify these outcomes were not available for our study outcomes. We used life-years gained (LYG) as our measure of effectiveness. LYG is a validated measure of population health;17 though it does not account for quality of life, it is suitable for this study given the data available. We used the Lives Saved Tool (LiST)18 to estimate the number of lives saved due to changes in coverage of reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health interventions. The Lives Saved Tool models the impact of scaling-up the coverage of proven interventions on maternal, neonatal and child mortality by integrating evidence on intervention effectiveness19,20and demographic projections of mortality. To estimate the number of lives saved, we adjusted coverage data to a target level of coverage. For Ethiopia and Kenya, target coverage data were obtained from empirical studies evaluating the impact of each country’s programme.21–23 For Indonesia, coverage data were obtained from routine data reported by village midwives. The Lives Saved Tool uses national demographic data to produce estimates of lives saved in a national population. Therefore, national estimates of lives saved were scaled down to district level based on the proportion of the national population in each study district. We classified lives saved in four age groups: live births; children younger than 1 month; children aged between 1 and 59 months and mothers. For each category, the number of lives saved was multiplied by the remaining life expectancy at the time death was averted. The resulting LYG were discounted using a 3% annual discount rate.24 Remaining life expectancies were obtained from life tables.25 The financial cost (for the year 2012 or earlier where necessary) of each programme was estimated from data collected between August and September 2013 from each country. Local currencies were converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity exchange rates (available at We report all cost data in international dollars ($). Cost data included start-up costs and recurrent costs. Equivalent annual costs were estimated by annuitizing total start-up cost based on a useful life of 10 years and a 3% discount rate.24 In the Ethiopian model, an attrition rate of 1.1% was applied to account for attrition after training of community-based practitioners. However, due to lack of relevant data, the attrition rate was assumed to be zero in the Indonesian and Kenyan models. Recurrent costs were estimated based on operational processes of the programme in 2012 and combined with annual start-up costs to obtain estimates of total annual cost of the programme. Overhead costs equivalent to 15% were added to account for cost incurred at higher administrative levels.26 Incremental cost of medicines and vaccines attributed to changes in coverage of reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child interventions were included for only the Ethiopian model but excluded from the Kenyan and Indonesian models due to lack of data. Unit cost data were collected from a variety of sources including expenses files, health workers’ payroll records, key informant interviews and supply catalogues for medicines and supplies.27 For all districts, incremental cost–effectiveness ratios were expressed as incremental cost per LYG; the detailed cost–effectiveness model is available from the authors. Cost–effectiveness was assessed using each country’s national gross domestic product (GDP) per capita as the reference willingness-to-pay threshold value.28 We did two sensitivity analyses. First, we did a univariate sensitivity analysis. The impact of each model parameter (costs, LYG, attrition rate, discount rate, percent overhead cost and useful life of programme), on the results was assessed by sequentially varying each parameter over a specified range (± 30%) while holding the other parameters constant. Second, we did a probabilistic sensitivity analysis. An appropriate probability distribution was fitted around each parameter mean and varied within lower and upper bounds (± 10). All cost inputs were specified as gamma distributions; LYG was specified as a normal distribution and attrition rate and percentages (used in estimating overhead costs) were specified as beta distributions.29 Parameter uncertainty was propagated through the model using 5000 Monte Carlo simulations and the results presented as cost–effectiveness acceptability curves.

The study mentioned in the description assessed the cost-effectiveness of community-based practitioner programs in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kenya. The study estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for each program and used data from four districts in the respective countries. The main measure of effectiveness used in the study was life-years gained (LYG), which is a validated measure of population health. The Lives Saved Tool (LiST) was used to estimate the number of lives saved due to changes in coverage of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health interventions. The study also collected cost data for each program, including start-up costs and recurrent costs. The financial cost of each program was estimated for the year 2012 or earlier, and all cost data were reported in international dollars ($). The study assessed cost-effectiveness using each country’s national gross domestic product (GDP) per capita as the reference willingness-to-pay threshold value. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the impact of various model parameters on the results.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation from the study is to implement community-based practitioner programs in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kenya to improve access to maternal health. These programs have been found to be cost-effective in delivering essential health interventions, especially in rural poor communities with limited access to qualified health professionals. The study estimated the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for these programs and found that they were most sensitive to uncertainty in the estimates of life-years gained. Based on probabilistic sensitivity analysis, there was greater than 80% certainty that each program was cost-effective. Further research is needed to understand the critical program design features for effectiveness. The findings of this study were published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization in 2015.
AI Innovations Methodology
To simulate the impact of the main recommendations of this abstract on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Selection of study areas: Choose specific districts or regions in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kenya where the community-based practitioner programs are proposed to be implemented. Consider factors such as rural poor communities with limited access to qualified health professionals.

2. Data collection: Collect data on the current status of maternal health access and outcomes in the selected study areas. This includes information on maternal mortality rates, coverage of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health services, and existing healthcare infrastructure.

3. Program implementation: Simulate the implementation of the community-based practitioner programs in the selected study areas. This involves training and deploying community-based practitioners, establishing support systems, and integrating them into the existing healthcare system.

4. Estimation of costs: Estimate the costs associated with implementing and maintaining the community-based practitioner programs. This includes costs of training, salaries, equipment, supplies, and any additional healthcare services provided.

5. Estimation of impact: Use the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) or similar modeling approaches to estimate the number of lives saved and improvements in maternal health outcomes resulting from the increased coverage of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health interventions. Adjust coverage data to reflect the target level of coverage achieved through the community-based practitioner programs.

6. Cost-effectiveness analysis: Calculate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) for each program by dividing the incremental costs by the estimated life years gained (LYG). Use the gross domestic product per capita as the reference willingness-to-pay threshold value.

7. Sensitivity analysis: Conduct sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of the results. Vary key parameters such as costs, LYG, attrition rate, discount rate, overhead costs, and useful life of the program to evaluate their impact on the cost-effectiveness results.

8. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis: Perform probabilistic sensitivity analysis by fitting appropriate probability distributions around each parameter and varying them within specified ranges. Use Monte Carlo simulations to propagate parameter uncertainty through the model and generate cost-effectiveness acceptability curves.

9. Interpretation of results: Analyze the results of the simulation to determine the cost-effectiveness of the community-based practitioner programs in improving access to maternal health in the selected study areas. Consider the certainty of the findings based on the sensitivity and probabilistic analyses.

10. Further research: Identify areas for further research to better understand the critical program design features for effectiveness and to refine the simulation methodology.

By following this methodology, researchers can simulate the potential impact of implementing community-based practitioner programs on improving access to maternal health in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kenya. This can help inform policy decisions and resource allocation for maternal health interventions in these countries.

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